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Russians are not getting fat from a good life

According to the report of Rospotrebnadzor, the epidemic of obesity begins in Russia. One of the reasons is a ban on the import of products from Europe. As a result, most vegetables and fruits have risen in price many times, but prices for flour products have remained at the same level.

BTW: Among the leaders in the average volume of fat on the abdomen are poor regions where there is simply no fruit or money for them: the Nenets Autonomous District (1031,96 diagnoses per 100,000 population), the Altai Territory (975.9) and the Penza Region (678 , 08).

As a result, the ration of the Russian seriously changed: if before the "war of sanctions" we had 123.65 cases of obesity per 100 thousand people, then by the end of 2015 - already 284.8 cases. "The trend is expected to increase this indicator," - do not hide in Rospotrebnadzor.

Benefit from the stomach

In itself, the fatty layer on the abdomen is correct and useful; nature is not such a fool as to waste surplus wasted. And there is no excess at all: fat on the abdomen protects the key internal organs from hypothermia and overheating, also performs an amortization function for injuries.

But, creating a person, nature (or, if you will, a certain demiurge) still did not provide for what way of life he eventually comes. The first monkey-men were quick, agile guys: it was constantly required to hide from enemies, to look for food, when to fight with each other. Even if we assume that some first-man Adam was trained in agriculture, it does not change anything: sowing and harvesting is also an energy-consuming matter. Moderate fat was useful here, but there was practically no chance of growing a paunch.

Now we live in a world where up to 80% of people (in developed countries) work in the service sector, and not that they overwork themselves physically. Accordingly, the accumulation of fat, which chemically interferes with the production of testosterone, which leads to a decrease in fertility - all of this we observe in nature.

Also, excess fat and increased volume of the stomach cause an imbalance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is no accident that doctors recommend that patients who turn to them with gastritis and other troubles lose a little weight: this often leads to internal processes back to normal.

And, finally, the stomach is just not very beautiful.

From where it grows

1. Sugar

There are many sweet foods in the world. What unites them is that all increase the production of serotonin and promote the intake of vitally essential glucose. But here the production of fat acts differently, and sugar provokes it in the most active way. Eat instead of sugar honey, fruit - their action is much less destructive.

2. Desserts

It is not sugar alone that a sweet muffin is dangerous to evening tea. The closer to sleep, the less energy you have left to spend before rest, and the higher the likelihood that the calories eaten by the body will be processed into unwanted fat.

3. Sleep disorders - nutritionists often forget about this problem

Sleep - the most important protective mechanism of the body, problems with sleep automatically lead to a decrease in immunity. Having discovered this problem, the body begins to take preventive measures - accumulate reserves that can be spent during illness (did you notice that seriously ill people are losing weight sharply?).

4. Unhealthy snacks during the day

Many lose count in a hurry swallowed sweets and sandwiches. There is nothing bad in the desire to satisfy the hunger itself: if you want it is necessary to eat, intentional starvation is fraught with gastritis. That's just for a quick snack you need to use vegetables and fruits; half a cucumber instead of a sweetie, a couple of apples instead of a sandwich. It's just, and it's delicious!

5. Drinking alcohol

The body simply does not know what to do with high-calorie spirits, they are not included in the set of meals programmed for it. Therefore, just in case, adds them to the "reserve fund" on the abdomen and hips. It is clear that the most dangerous beer, because in addition to alcohol contains "dissolved baking". "Why are alcoholics under the benches in the squares so thin?" - you ask. Yes, because at a certain stage of the disease they just stop eating, only eat, and then not always. A normal person on such small amounts of food simply would not last. And they manage to do this not for long.

6. Psychology

A very popular habit is the so-called "seizing of stress". When a person's mood spoils, anxiety turns on, the best way to deal with this is to increase the serotonin content in the brain. On this principle, both antidepressant tablets and banal chocolate work. In a certain sense, the fat stomach is, of course, better than the dependence on the tablets - but it is better to get the necessary substances in another way, for example, in the gym.

7. Lack of physical activity

And the same gym is not necessary at all (although we would "register" it just at a high level of stress). One mandatory hour of walking a day - and two months later you will be pleasantly surprised.

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